Not All Educational Apps Are Created Equal

Go beyond digital flashcards - Teach math strategies.

Teachley’s characters show children how to master different addition and subtraction strategies. Addimals teaches addition strategies like counting on, using doubles facts, and making ten. In Subtractimals, our subtraction app, students master strategies like counting back, counting on, and using addition facts to subtract.

Visual Models PROMOTE Learning.

Children who struggle in math often fail to learn key strategies. That’s why we help students visualize and practice these strategies using models, like the ones shown here:

Available for iPad. Coming soon for Chromebooks, laptops, smartphones, Android.

Addimals EDU

Addimal Adventure was one of only 12 apps to win an Apple Design Award in 2014 for outstanding innovation and design.

Apple Design Award 2014
My kids have only been using Addimals for two weeks, but it has already had an impact on their fact fluency.
— Kristin P, 1st grade teacher

Teachley promotes conceptual understanding and fact fluency because we know that just learning procedures for solving problems isn’t enough.

Children need to build a deep understanding of the relationship between numbers.

Subtractimals App icon

Subtractimals EDU

Teachley’s Subtractimals is the perfect follow on to Addimal Adventure!
— Mauri D, Apple Distinguished Educator
Subtractimals is a fabulous tool... a fun and effective way to help children practice their subtraction skills.
— Best Apps for Kids review

For Us, Games Are a Serious Subject

As former teachers and experts in cognition and learning, we are dedicated to using research to better understand how kids learn.

Research shows strategies drive learning. By promoting conceptual understanding and fact fluency children don't just solve problems, they come away with new tools for learning math.

Typical development - Solving 3 + 4

When first learning to add 3 + 4, students will count all the objects or use their fingers to help them Count All. Starting in Kindergarten, students become ready to use the Count On strategy, starting with the 4 and counting up 5, 6, 7, often using their fingers for helpful support. Then kids will start to recognize the connections between addition facts, so they will be able to see how 3 + 4 is related to the doubles fact 3 + 3 (Derived Facts strategy). Finally, students will memorize their addition facts.

Students begin by Counting All, “1, 2, 3 …7”, then they progress to Counting On, “4, 5, 6, 7”, then they will use Derived Facts like “3 + 3 + 1”, and finally, they will memorize the answer, “That’s 7”

Struggling Learners

Poor math performers tend to Count All as their primary strategy 1 - 2 years longer than typical kids. These students often never recognize the connections between facts, so they see each problem as something new to learn. Sadly, many of these students have poor memory, so they continue to Count On using their fingers into upper elementary and beyond.

Struggling learners use Counting All as their primary strategy 1 -2 years after most children have begun Counting On. They tend not to use Derived Facts, and they have Poor Memory.

By making these strategies highly visual and explicit, our apps help struggling learners access these efficient strategies and develop a strong number sense. By teaching addition strategies directly through a visual model, ALL kids are able to practice and learn these important strategies.

App Screenshots

In Addimals & Subtractimals, students learn effective addition and subtraction strategies. Teachley's addition and subtraction apps are created by teachers and researchers, award-winning game designers and noted voice talent.


Formative ASsessment

Say goodbye to Mad Minute timed quizzes. Students master their facts while they play without the tears and anxiety of a timed test. As kids play, teachers get insight into which facts have been mastered and which ones they’re struggling with.


Aligned with Common Core and other state standards

We address many K-2 Operations and Algebraic Thinking Common Core Standards and other state standards, including:

CCSS.Math.Content.1.OA.C.6 Add and Subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10. Use strategies such as counting on; making ten (e.g., 8 + 6 = 8 + 2 + 4 = 10 + 4 = 14)...and creating equivalent but easier or known sums (e.g., adding 6 + 7 by creating the known equivalent 6 + 6 + 1 = 12 + 1 = 13).


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