Iowa STEM Scale-Up Program: Teachley Math

Teachley Math, is an exemplary STEM program selected by the Iowa Governor’s STEM Advisory Council! Designed by educators, Teachley Math is an engaging program that captivates children as they learn important math concepts, fact fluency, and problem solving skills across grades K-5.

Iowa educators can get Teachley Math AT NO COST to their district or organization for the 2024-25 school year!!!

Play video to learn more about Teachley Math and see the program in action.

Child raising arms in celebration while playing Teachley on an iPad

Learn more!

Register for a free informational webinar to see the program in action.

Here’s How:

Step 1. Submit the Iowa Educator Application by February 28, 2024.

Applications can be submitted by individual educators or by an organization for multiple educators to enjoy. *Consider a grade level or site-wide adoption for maximum impact!

For help completing the application, contact us at

Step 2. If awarded, attend 1/2 day PD session.

Educators will receive a $120 stipend and up to $50 travel compensation for attending a 1/2 day in-person PD training in August 2024. *Dates and locations TBD Spring 2024.


Implement Teachley Math with your learners to have fun doing, talking, and playing with math!



Join us to learn more about Teachley Math and how to apply for the Iowa STEM Scale-Up Program. Awarded educators will receive Teachley Math at no cost to their district or organization.

Free webinars will be hosted at 4pm CT on the following dates.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024: Register here (Or copy and paste the following URL

Monday, January 29, 2024: Register here (Or copy and paste the following URL

Tuesday, February 13, 2024: Register here (Or copy and paste the following URL


A flexible k-5 Math Program For in and out of school

Teachley Math images on computer and iPad devices

Based on Learning Sciences Research

Teachley Math bolsters student achievement through effective and engaging lessons, games, books, videos, and problem solving activities during in-school and out-of-school learning environments.

Blend digital & physical learning with Teachley Math!

Submit the Iowa Educator Application by Feb. 28, 2024.

Child counting on fingers while playing Teachley Addimals

What teachers say…

“When students use the Teachley apps, they're excited, they're engaged, their faces light up.”

Mauri D, Apple Distinguished Educator

What’s Included?

  • Full access to all K-5 math lessons and printable activities

  • Adaptive, digital math games

  • Animated videos, eBooks

  • Printable student certificates of mastery

  • Physical kit includes laminated math practices posters and set of 5 graphic fiction books

  • Formative assessment data and instructional resources

  • ½ day in-person PD training

  • Year round support via email, virtual office hours, and webinars


Teachley Math was created by three passionate teachers who met studying Cognition & Learning at Columbia University. Over a decade of rigorous research, supported by the U.S. Department of Education, National Science Foundation, and National Institutes of Health shows students improve their fact fluency, math strategy use, and fractions knowledge using our program.

Learn more about our Standards-aligned content

Teachley Math covers a wide span of K-5 Mathematics standards, including but not limited to the following:

  • Standards for Mathematical Practice (Covers all MP standards 1 - 8)

  • Operations and Algebraic Thinking  (K.OA.A, 1.OA.C, 2.OA.B, 3.OA.B)

  • Number and Operations—Fractions (3.NF.A.1, 3.NF.A.2, 4.NF.A.1, 4.NF.A.2, 5.NF.A.1)

An emphasis on problem solving supports students to ask questions, make observations and reflect, important skills that transfer to K-2-ETS1 Engineering Design. Also address 21st Century Employability and Technology Skills, including assessing one’s mastery (21.9-12.ES.4) and using technology to create solutions (21.3-5.TL.1).


Awards & Recognition