Avoiding Summer Slide



Every year, we write to teachers and families about the very real effects of summer vacation on student learning. As summer approaches, this year is different. Amidst the Covid pandemic, our need to support students over the summer has never been greater. Because of this, we’ve adapted some of our resources to be used at home. Please share with families.

1) Summer math practice. We've made several different math packets you can send home with your students for extra math practice over the long summer months. Click below to download these free resources.


2) Teachley apps for home use. Did you know that students can use Teachley’s EDU apps during the summer for free with a school or classroom subscription? Parents simply login to the EDU apps (iOS or Android) or web-based login (teachley.com/play) with their student’s username and password. Teachers and admin can get the student credentials on their Teachley dashboard.

3) Offline math games. Here are some easy ways for families to reinforce basic math fact fluency at home, while having fun.

       BingoSingle-Digit AdditionMulti-digit AdditionMultiplicationDivision

       Multiplication Make-a-Square