Teachley Problem Solving Assessment
Supporting teachers to assess and promote students’ mathematical thinking
Mathematical problem solving requires students to think deeply about content and employ higher-order thinking. However, assessing problem solving is tremendously difficult. Multiple choice questions assess the final solution, ignoring the process.
Initially developed with philanthropic support, Teachley Problem Solving: Fractions allows students to create and manipulate fractions models as they solve problems. The digital models are clear, readable, and easily projected for whole class review and discussion.
The software significantly improved 3rd - 5th grade students' fractions problem solving by 20%. Access the white paper here.
Now, with Phase I and Phase II Small Business Innovation Research grants from the U.S. Department of Education, Teachley is developing a formative assessment tool for teachers that will transform problem solving in the classroom. The project includes the following key features:
Clear digital models. Students create fractions models while solving word problems.
Student justification. Audio and text recording tools allow students to share their thinking.
Built-in assessment. Teachers easily sort students’ work and replay step-by-step solutions.
Sample Discussions. Discussion plans support rich math discourse and peer learning.
PL Videos. Recorded classroom conversations model implementation and discussions.
Through a partnership with High Tech High, 3rd - 5th grade teachers have joined the project as Problem Solving Fellows. They are implementing Teachley Problem Solving Assessment in their classrooms, sharing feedback, and participating in professional learning workshops. During the 2022-23 school year, the Center for Technology and School Change at Teachers College, Columbia University will study the design, ease of use, implementation, and effectiveness of Teachley Problem Solving Assessment with 3rd and 4th grade classrooms.
Interested in learning more about Teachley Problem Solving Assessment, including options for exploring with your students? Contact us here.
Teachley Problem Solving Assessment is being developed with generous support from the Small Business Innovation Research program with awards granted by the Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences.